A deep, creative and transformative process, which supports you through your holistic awakening journey and individual personal health revolution

A deep, creative and transformative process, which supports you through your holistic awakening journey and individual personal health revolution

Shape Shifting Blog

Dialogues and Monologues (on subjects I like writing about)

Shape Shifting Blog

Dialogues and Monologues (on subjects I like writing about)


Alternative Support For Our Health

‘Alternative Support For Our Health’ by Rowena J Ronson and Nigel Summerley Why do most people tend to accept the ‘authority’ of conventional, allopathic medicine and to remain suspicious of so-called ‘alternative’ therapies? NS: We have both studied and practised homeopathy. But, in our own different ways, we have also both investigated and been impressed…


The Future of Homeopathy

‘What does it mean to be a practising homeopath in the face of negative media coverage and dramatically divided public opinion? Do practitioners give up or go on?’ by Rowena J Ronson and Nigel Summerley NS: When we started our dialogues many years ago, I was at my busiest and most successful peak as a…