A deep, creative and transformative process, which supports you through your holistic awakening journey and individual personal health revolution

A deep, creative and transformative process, which supports you through your holistic awakening journey and individual personal health revolution

Making Peace … With Viruses!

‘Making Peace With Viruses’ by Rowena J Ronson and Nigel Summerley RJR: I am rewatching the film Everest at the moment. It is a thought-provoking account of the journey to the summit on 10 May 1996. One of the climbers reflects to the journalist that it is not about competition as the mountain always has the last…

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Personal Space – The Final Frontier!


‘Personal Space – The Final Frontier’ by Nigel Summerley and Rowena J Ronson RJR: Do you remember when talking about ‘personal space’ was a thing? I remember when I was in my teens and twenties, we used to kid around about invading each other’s space, and lines like ‘get out of my space’ were used, sometimes even with…

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