A deep, creative and transformative process, which supports you through your holistic awakening journey and individual personal health revolution

A deep, creative and transformative process, which supports you through your holistic awakening journey and individual personal health revolution

The Fly

The Fly

Rowena J Ronson revisits a classic shocker and finds a lesson we can apply to our journey through life

The FlyWhile watching again David Cronenberg’s The Fly (1986), after nearly 30 years since its release, the gory bits did still have similar shocking effect. But what struck me the most this time, and from the perspective that I now have as a health practitioner, was the idea of teleporting through life and amalgamating with the matter with which we come into contact.

We are all too familiar with the expression “You are what you eat”, but even with that knowledge, how many of us are truly conscious and mindful of what we ingest? And even those of us who are aware, cannot truly know what is in our food unless we eat raw and local from a trusted supplier. The same goes for our experiences in life. They touch us, inform us and make us who we are, from our childhood and throughout our existence. Those positive and negative reactions to life’s mixed bag of celebrations

and traumas, create corresponding receptors on our neurons and influence us emotionally, and even hormonally, for the better and for the worse – much, indeed, like a marriage.

Even our thoughts, which originate from within (coupled with our conditioning), influence our molecules, which in turn either empower us to make informed choices or undermine us to energetically create dis-ease. The more aware of what we are letting through our permeable boundaries, on all levels, the healthier our life’s journey becomes.

The Fly invited me to be curious about what I want to gather and travel with in my own bespoke telepod, and how my choices will influence me short- and long-term, in our blending.

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Rowena J Ronson

Rowena J Ronson
Intuitive Natural Medicine Healer
Functional Medicine
Individuals, Relationships & Families
For You

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Rowena J Ronson

Rowena J Ronson
Intuitive Natural Medicine Healer
Functional Medicine
Individuals, Relationships & Families
For You

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